The secret to Beautiful Skin: The “System” Effect
The SkinTX Skin Treatment System is formulated using the four gold-standard anti-aging igridents: L-Ascorbic Acid USP (pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C), Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Retinol and Hydroquinone. SkinTX offers remarkable transformations because it combines these ingredients in synergistic formulations that complement one another.
In order to experience the “system” effect it is essential that you follow all of the steps in the system both morning and night. This ensures that you are getting the correct dose of the required products at the necessary frequency. A typical SkinTx System contains 6 to 7 steps in the morning and 5 steps at night. Although this may seem like a lot of steps at first, SkinTx patients typically find the regime very easy and quick to follow. One step after another and your skin treatment is underway.
Which System is right for you?
There are four SkinTx Treatment program options. Each program is available in a handy starter system which contains all of the products you need to get started in addition to a handy step by step instruction card and a complimentary carrying case.
Skin Care Systems
The SkinTx Skin Care Systems offer all of the products required to start a SkinTx Skin Treatment System. Available for different skin types and indications these systems cover a wide range of skin conditions ranging from the early signs of environmental damage to hyperpigmentation and acne. These daily regimens include full-sized products in a convenient carrying case.
Starter System Program 1 (Skin Rejuvenation – Normal to Dry Skin)
SkinTx Starter System Program 1 (Skin Rejuvenation – Normal to Dry Skin) is an all-inclusive skin restoration system indicated to treat sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles and to tighten skin. This system contains eight full-sized medical grade products that have been especially formulated for patients with normal to dry skin seeking to restore their complexion and rejuvenate their skin.
Starter System Program 2 (skin Rejuvenation – Combination and Oily Skin)
SkinTx Starter System Program 2 (Skin Rejuvenation – Combination and Oily Skin) is an all-inclusive skin restoration system indicated to treat sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles and to tighten skin. This System contains nine full-sized medical grade products that have been especially formulated for patients with combination and oily skin seeking to restore their complexion and rejuvenate their skin.
Starter System Program 3 (Hyperpigmentation)
SkinTx Starter System Program 3 (Hyperpigmentation) is an all-inclusive skin restoration system indicated to treat hyperpigmentation that may occur as a result of sun exposure, pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives. This system contains nine full-sized medical grade products that have been especially formulated for patients with all skin types seeking to restore their complexion and rejuvenate their skin.
Starter System Program 4 (Acne)
SkinTx Starter System Program 4 (Acne) is an all-inclusive skin restoration system indicated to treat adult acne showing signs of environmental damage along with thick congested pores and acne breakouts. This system contains eight full-sized medical grade products that have been especially formulated for patients with acne-prone skin seeking to restore their complexion and rejuvenate their skin.